Tabs & Sliders [for articles] (plugin):

Organize your content the way you want!

Tabs & Sliders [for articles] makes adding tabs or sliders (accordions) inside your content a piece of cake. Using a simple syntax you can easily organize your content in tabs or sliders making it better stand out and easier to navigate: for example, organizing your long product descriptions in tabs improves the readability of your product pages, which means more happy customers!

The plugin already comes with 2 pre-built template layouts and using MVC overrides you can create your own by simply copying one of the pre-built and modifying the HTML and/or CSS.

You can use the plugin's tags in any component, module or plugin that supports 'content plugin' parsing. Aside the default Joomla! article system, you can use for example the plugin in the popular K2 content extension, in Virtuemart, inside the 'Custom HTML' module etc.

First Tab

Nullam rutrum ipsum sed dui convallis nec lacinia risus tristique. Aliquam urna diam, tincidunt eu venenatis vel, imperdiet ut augue. Pellentesque luctus bibendum arcu, vel congue nunc cursus in. Donec vel ipsum in velit malesuada consectetur faucibus quis velit. Ut tempus arcu eu metus ornare pulvinar. Praesent lacinia nulla nibh, scelerisque dapibus nisl. Donec tempor dui tristique orci cursus commodo. In gravida, neque vel dapibus rhoncus, tellus mauris semper tortor, eget sagittis velit mi at magna. Praesent quis sapien sed elit congue porttitor vel et libero.

Second Tab

Nam aliquam ante ac ligula egestas aliquet. Phasellus metus magna, ultricies quis lobortis quis, ullamcorper id massa. Quisque vestibulum nisi sit amet lacus euismod eget venenatis augue bibendum. Etiam pretium pellentesque magna, placerat mattis enim tincidunt at. Nam quis risus quam. Fusce vel neque quam, quis pharetra dui. Donec faucibus venenatis velit ac faucibus. Morbi ultricies imperdiet libero, at feugiat dolor posuere et.

Third Tab

Cras scelerisque pretium est, in cursus nunc sagittis ac. Vivamus lobortis condimentum mauris, hendrerit bibendum lectus scelerisque tempor. Nullam facilisis felis in arcu iaculis a vehicula nulla elementum. Duis dignissim semper suscipit. Suspendisse mollis, nibh non pulvinar suscipit. Tellus sapien auctor leo, commodo accumsan risus leo vitae est. Suspendisse potenti. Maecenas sit amet diam erat, eget pulvinar neque. Suspendisse potenti. Vestibulum at purus sapien, nec facilisis mi. Etiam varius viverra nibh in commodo.


Inserting "Tabs"

It is very easy to add tabs in your new articles or convert existing ones to a tabbed layout. Create a new article or edit an existing one. Start your first tab using the plugin tag "{"tab=tab title here"}" (without the quotes), write some text below that, then continue with the next tab using -again- the plugin tag format "{"tab=other tab title here"}" (without the quotes), then write the second tab's text and so on. When you finish the text of your last tab, simply "close" them all by adding the plugin tag "{"/tabs"}" (without the quotes).

Check out this example, it's what you would write in your content item:

This is some text above the tabs

"{"tab=first tab"}"               (without the quotes)
some text here 
"{"tab=second tab"}"              (without the quotes)
some more text here
"{"tab=third tab"}"               (without the quotes)
some more text here and so on...
"{"/tabs"}"                       (without the quotes)

And some more text after the tabs!


Tabs & Sliders [for articles] (module):

Inserting "Tab Module"

  • 84 Module Positions
  • Flexible Layouts
  • K2 Styling
  • Sophisticated Content

A vast module positions assortment, spread over Gantry Grid Rows, split into groupings of six, for maximum flexibility.
Many built-in features such as Font-Sizer, Google Analytics, Date, SmartLoad, ToTop Smooth Slider, SEO Optimized, Display Component On/Off, ShortCodes etc. Assign different template configurations for one or several menu items/pages. With up to 3 total sidebars, you can achieve highly complex mainbody layout scenarios.

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Magnus has a responsive layout, meaning it adapts to the widths of the viewing device, as powered by the responsive Gantry 4 Framework.
Many built-in features such as Font-Sizer, Google Analytics, Date, SmartLoad, ToTop Smooth Slider, SEO Optimized, Display Component On/Off, ShortCodes etc. Assign different template configurations for one or several menu items/pages. With up to 3 total sidebars, you can achieve highly complex mainbody layout scenarios.

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Magnus has styled, including responsive, support for the popular third party content / CCK extension by, K2.
Many built-in features such as Font-Sizer, Google Analytics, Date, SmartLoad, ToTop Smooth Slider, SEO Optimized, Display Component On/Off, ShortCodes etc. Assign different template configurations for one or several menu items/pages. With up to 3 total sidebars, you can achieve highly complex mainbody layout scenarios.

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A powerful switchblade content extension, that provides an array of display options, all within one single modular framework with an intuitive interface.
Many built-in features such as Font-Sizer, Google Analytics, Date, SmartLoad, ToTop Smooth Slider, SEO Optimized, Display Component On/Off, ShortCodes etc. Assign different template configurations for one or several menu items/pages. With up to 3 total sidebars, you can achieve highly complex mainbody layout scenarios.

Read More

Check out this example, it's what you would make in your content item:




Please note that we use the plugin tag "slider" above as it's the correct way to address this feature. The use of the "slide" tag (without the final "r" - used in older versions) is still compatible so you can just update to this newer version.

You can insert both "Tabs" and "Sliders" in your articles, K2 items, Virtuemart products etc. Additionally, you can mix tabs with sliders and vise versa but you can't have tabs within tabs or sliders within sliders (cause it's overkill and hell would break loose). So you can have tabs that include content within sliders or sliders that include tabbed content! Nice!

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